Captains & Poets offers a groundbreaking methodology to bringing the IB’s Approaches to Learning (ATL) Skills to life with greater ease and sustainable impact on student performance. We focus on the skills that are harder to teach explicitly in the areas of social and affective skills development, and the ability to manage one’s own state of mind – critical competencies for student success in today’s world.
Whether you are focused on elevating individual contribution, teamwork, or leadership capabilities; or enhancing well-being, inclusion & belonging, Captains & Poets is designed to align to school programming and ignite positive transformation from students themselves!
Our personalized IB Skills Assessment & Consultation is designed to help schools identify their greatest needs in addressing and embedding the IB’s ATL Skills into their curriculum.
Stephanie has nearly 30 years of global experience as an IB educator and leader and is a strong proponent of inquiry-based teaching and learning, encouraging curiosity as the driver for teaching and learning. She is an IB-trained educator, workshop leader, consultant and site evaluator and has taught and led at IB schools in Canada, Switzerland, Tanzania, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan and Angola. Her education includes an MEdTech from the University of British Columbia, a Certificate in School Management and Leadership from Harvard Graduate School of Education and current completion of the Independent School Leadership Diploma through CAIS next summer. In her personal time, Stephanie loves to read, bake, cycle, travel and hike.