Expert Voices

BRIGHT LIGHT WISDOM – Surfing the Tidal Wave of Reality

by BRIGHT LIGHT Paul Dwyer   Teaching Students to Be Genuine in Disingenuous Times  ...
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BRIGHT LIGHT WISDOM – The Bottleneck of Learning

by BRIGHT LIGHT Melissa Brown   The education system has long been seen as the...
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Teaching Healthy Decision Making

by Vicky Essebag As adults, we can all remember the challenges of peer pressure, navigating...
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BRIGHT LIGHT WISDOM – The Pyramid of Connection

by BRIGHT LIGHT Brenda Carbery-Tang Teens these days are feeling disconnected from the world around...
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BRIGHT LIGHT WISDOM – The Struggle is Real

by BRIGHT LIGHT Sam Welbourn Finding Your “Why” in the Messy Spaces I love change...
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Grading Teacher Fulfilment

by Ola ElKhatib In my early international teaching career, I joined a school celebrated for...
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The Tides of Change

by Jennifer Johnson B.A., B.Ed., M.A There have long been whispers in the halls that...
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The Principal’s Poet

by Andy Rodford    Principals act as the guiding force in educational institutions and are...
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Fostering The Web of Connection in Learning

by Dr. Michael Salvatori   “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look...
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