
Captains & Poets
by BRIGHT LIGHT Emma Navin Belonging is a fundamental human need. We all search for a sense of connection with the people and places in our lives. It impacts our well-being as well as our sense of identity in the world. Students spend a huge portion of their time at school, which makes it essential...
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by BRIGHT LIGHT Paul Dwyer   Teaching Students to Be Genuine in Disingenuous Times   Students’ Lens on Reality I am fascinated by how much information we are exposed to each day. Studies say it averages 100GB every day which is the equivalent of watching the entire series of Stranger Things. By contrast, teachers grew...
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by BRIGHT LIGHT Melissa Brown   The education system has long been seen as the antidote to society’s ills and a mechanism for change. Fast-forward to 2024, and the pace of change is leaving schools as we know them in the dust. Consequently, individual teachers can feel uncertain about how to navigate the day-to-day. Despite...
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by Vicky Essebag As adults, we can all remember the challenges of peer pressure, navigating relationships, and healthy decision-making during our school years. As parents, we don’t always know how to impart these skills, recognizing that they are a skillset that require experience and that we ourselves continue to build over a lifetime. But what...
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by BRIGHT LIGHT Brenda Carbery-Tang Teens these days are feeling disconnected from the world around them. They spend much of their time online passively observing, in snippets and soundbites, a world where people don’t seem to care or take care of each other. Young people show up to the classroom wearing hard outer protective shells...
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by BRIGHT LIGHT Sam Welbourn Finding Your “Why” in the Messy Spaces I love change when it is meaningful. Maybe our role as teachers is to make it so. When I reflect on the future relevance of schools in the age of AI, when we don’t yet know the capabilities and impact it will have,...
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by Ola ElKhatib In my early international teaching career, I joined a school celebrated for its commitment to professional development. Initially, interactions with colleagues brimmed with warmth and promise, setting the stage for what I believed would be a fulfilling year. As the school year progressed, a disconcerting change swept through. The high standards framed...
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by Jennifer Johnson B.A., B.Ed., M.A There have long been whispers in the halls that the education system needs to change and the multi-faceted set of well-being, social, and academic challenges that have resulted from the conditions surrounding a global pandemic have turned those whispers into an undeniable call for change. As one educator who...
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by Andy Rodford    Principals act as the guiding force in educational institutions and are often expected to embody energized leadership for numerous reasons. An energized principal is seen to set an example, inspiring enthusiasm, fostering innovation, and cultivating a culture of continuous growth and improvement. They are presumed to be the steward of the...
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by Dr. Michael Salvatori   “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off I was recently reminded of this quotation from one of my favourite movies as I was re-reading Charlotte’s Web with a young reader I work...
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